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About Us

About Us

Welcome to PGxAI, a company at the forefront of scientific research and innovation in the field of pharmacogenetics. Our mission is to harness genetic data to craft personalized medical solutions, ensuring the most effective and safest treatments for patients.

Our team is a unique blend of scientists, engineers, medical professionals, and entrepreneurs, all united by a single goal: to transform modern healthcare through cutting-edge technologies. Each member of our team is an expert in their respective field, and together, we are dedicated to creating solutions that can change lives.

General Information About Pharmacogenetics

Pharmacogenetic analyses offer insights into specific DNA variations that might impact how your body interacts with certain drugs. As an illustration, our documents shed light on particular DNA changes that could determine the efficiency of enzymes responsible for drug metabolism. Additionally, some of our pharmacogenetic evaluations come with Medication Insights. These insights delve into how specific DNA variations might alter your body's reaction to particular drugs.

Possessing a certain DNA variation could mean that your body metabolizes some drugs quicker or slower than the average person. However, the presence of such a variation doesn't necessarily affect the majority of drugs.

A myriad of factors, both genetic and external, play a role in how effectively your body handles medications. Factors such as age, body mass, the health of your liver and kidneys, concurrent drug intake, and even lifestyle choices can influence this. Moreover, there might be other DNA changes, not covered in these analyses, that could influence drug metabolism.

It's crucial to consult with a medical expert regarding how DNA variations might alter your drug metabolism. It's advised not to base medical decisions solely on these test outcomes. Before making any medical decisions, it's recommended to get these results verified through a separate genetic analysis as prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Advantages of PGxAI

AI-Powered Technology:

PGxAI harnesses cutting-edge AI capabilities, enabling instantaneous analysis of pharmacogenetic data for the first time. This ensures rapid and accurate results tailored to individual needs.

Extensive Drug Database:

Our platform boasts the largest drug database across all clinical specialties, encompassing over 730 medications. This vast range ensures comprehensive analysis catering to diverse patient requirements.

Cost-Effective Analysis:

At a rate of approximately $0.055 per drug analysis, PGxAI offers unparalleled value, making our services significantly more affordable compared to competitors.

Holistic Drug Interaction Analysis:

Beyond individual drug assessments, PGxAI provides an in-depth drug interaction analysis, identifying potential risks associated with combined medication intake (drug-drug interaction checker). Additionally, our platform can pinpoint health risks such as thrombosis and atherosclerosis, positioning PGxAI not just as a drug analysis tool, but a vital health assessment instrument.

EnablingSafe & Efficient Drug Therapy
Based On The Results Of Genetic Testing

Join us in our mission to redefine healthcare, making it more personalized, effective, and forward-thinking.

Our Team

Allan Gobbs

Executive Chairman & Co-Founder
Venture Investor, 5 NASDAQ IPOs + 4 M&As

Michael Zastrozhin

CEO & Co-Founder
MD PhD, Bioengineering and Therapeutical Sciences at UCSF

Jason Akram

VP of Business
Neuroscience and Finance at Stanford

Alex Raud

VP of Development
Architect, Product Manager at Intel

Rami Sarkis

International Partner

Emily Chen

Scientific Advisor
Senior Director at Thermo Fisher Precision Medicine Science Center

Lisa Brown

Scientific Advisor
Senior Medical Science Liaison at Tempus Labs

Dave Vigerust

Scientific Advisor
Chief Scientific Officer at Spectrum Solutions

Terry Robins

Business Advisor
Senior Director Clinical Affairs at Abbott

Joydeep Bhattacharyya

Business Advisor
Ex-Director Innovation, Strategy & Product at GE Healthcare